About Us

At the MMRL we monitor the organic and inorganic carbon contribution of Halimeda and Penicillus along a salinity and nutrient gradient, as part of the Florida Everglades Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program. We have been working with the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve and Miami-Dade County following the Anadyomene green macroalgal bloom in Biscayne Bay, as well as other environmental issues in the bay.
At the MMRL we also are on the forefront of conducting a monitoring program and addressing the impact of the pelagic Sargassum species on South Florida and the Caribbean. At the MMRL we are committed to work with local and regional communities the Citizen Science monitoring network of Sargassum landings in South Florida and the Caribbean and an international network of experts working on Sargassum are examples of research efforts linked to community service.
We are a lab with strong international links, our research and student’s participation include and invite students from other countries. We are convinced of the importance of the internationalization of education. We conducted Collaborative International Learning (COIL) courses in collaboration with Mexico. Our lab is within the Institute of the Environment and Department of Biology.